WCP volunteering day 67, NR5 Year 11s, Setting up and preparing with manager - good time to discuss feelings about WBL, Spoke with visiting Easton College students about volunteering
Representing the CP management team to the visiting public
Having missed two weeks of NR5 Y11, I found that Shane had been making progress with path-laying and had developed pride in the standard of work he had achieved. This was due to determined effort from Simon the BA Projects Manager, who is responsible for the safety of structures
Simon focusses on the end product and less on the feelings of the children, but they respect his integrity
Tom returned a small knife which he had been looking after having borrowed it three weeks ago. This was his last day before a move to Nottingham, and he was sad to be leaving
Dale, who has autistic spectrum disorder and is accompanied by one-to-one Teresa, was keen to get started and said he and Tom would make an early start . Soon after Tom was refusing to work with him and needed some persuading. Dale provokes others to attack him
Sonya and assistant Jody try to keep the kids on track but mainly by working as an example. The kids do respond to direct calls for help, but are continually on guard for being exploited .